Maria Farrell For Blog

Maria Farrell, Director GriefWork: A National Servite Ministry of Compassion

This morning, I found myself thinking about my family, friends and the families of my friends that have cancer. I pray for them daily and ask for them courage, strength and resolve. I opened my email this morning, and waiting for me was a beautiful prayer by Alden Solovy. The prayer was written for those celebrating an anniversary of being cancer free and allows for reflection on emotions from year to year.

Cancer Anniversary

God of health and healing,
As I approach the [first, second…]
Anniversary of successful cancer treatment,
[My anxiety and (add your other emotions: fear, anger, grief) have returned.]
[I also have a wondrous and surprising sense of optimism and hope.]

I remember clearly the shock and trauma of my diagnosis.
The concern of family and friends.
The fear.
The sleepless nights.
The sadness and tears.
The moments of hope.
The moments when hope seemed lost.
I remember those who have succumbed to this disease.
And I am aware of the fragility of life.

Thank you, God on high,
For the past [year/years] of health,
Years with my cancer in remission.
Thank you for the gifts and blessings in my life,
The diligence of my physicians,
The support of those around me,
And the hope of tomorrow.
May vigor and vitality accompany me always.

Blessed are You,
God of our fathers and mothers,
God of gifts and blessings,
Source of life.

© 2017 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.”